At a time when childhood presented its challenges
She was there to play father and mother
When children my age basked in privileges unique to those loved
I never lacked my fare share of experience.

Was tended towards a spoilt child
Because for her, a child must be shown the best of love
She was called to order
Her implementation, took us to maturity
When there was need for motherhood sincere discipline
She played the part of the Margaret Thatcher/Iron Lady
Because stories had it that she was the replica of her mother
Almost Mama’s look alike in looks and character
A no nonsense woman, that had no room for pretense nor frivolities
Her children prided themselves as genuine product of her discipline
A discipline they all acknowledged was never funny at implementation.
That discipline, was the trait with which I was brought up at her place
Grew up in the midst of a strong bond amongst my paternal extended family
Where the family name as against money was paramount to everybody’s daily action
Having a good name was meant to be everybody’s motto.
Like every human being, she had her weaknesses
She hated money not being in her hands
It made her look unusually apprehensive at such times
Hence, she was very hardworking, to overcome that challenge.
A caterer per excellence, built in stature, but ever up and doing when there was contract to be delivered
At such times of contract to be delivered, she turned out tough and made those around her tough
Few of us scaled this aspect of her unseen aptitude test
Such that some of us were tempted to keep our distances, until results were achieved
Cleanliness for her was a hubby in every sense
Subtly she impressed it on us; that it was challenging letting go
Was never thrifty as she loved to be happy with people around her
Always wearing a smiling face, an offshoot of her catering training
Indeed she is a rare gem in all respects
Loved God and Godly activities, even to a passive fault
And made it compulsory for all around her to understand, God was the ultimate.


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